I am calling on the Welsh Government to launch a shorter working week trial.
I’ve published my report A Future Fit For Wales: the roadmap to a shorter working week calling on Welsh Government to pilot a shorter working week trial in parts of the public sector.
In partnership with leading think tank Autonomy, my report finds that a shorter working week is multi-faceted and speaks to a number of economic and social challenges that Wales faces. It advocates a three-pronged strategy calling for a trial in the Welsh public sector, a coalition of the willing in private and third sector organisations and collaboration with Trade Unions so that shorter hours negotiations can take place across a range of diverse workplaces.
The working week hasn’t changed in over 100 years and an outdated industrial age model means the time is ripe to explore how things can be done differently. With post COVID talent market shortages combined with a triggering shift in individual priorities, the benefits of a reduction in working hours with no associated loss of pay would be far reaching.
The report’s findings show that 76% of the Welsh public would support the sharing out of work so that everyone can achieve a positive work life balance with 57% of the population supporting a Welsh Government backed scheme to move towards a four day working week.
Wales’ Well-being of Future Generations Act requires Welsh Government to use joined-up thinking to develop long-term solutions, to take all reasonable steps to meet its well-being objectives and prevent problems. A shorter working week could form part of a preventative set of measures addressing carbon emissions, entrenched inequality, skills improvement and enhanced employee well-being. This is about shifting to a well-being economy and having an economic model that puts people and purpose before profit.
You can read the report and its findings in a variety of formats below.