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Working with us

Our top mission as the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales and team Future Generations Cymru is to make the Well-being of Future Generations Act (WFGA) work harder.

Our strategy, Cymru Can, sets out our vision and purpose, and outlines five missions we’re putting our energy behind from now until 2030. Cymru Can go further and we’re working with others to create the urgent change needed for Cymru to be a better place to live, with a bright and optimistic future – thriving, inclusive and green.

Though the WFGA covers public bodies, all across Wales, organisations and individuals are dedicated to improving the well-being of future generations. We’re a small team and Cymru Can needs the efforts of everyone with an interest in a good future.

You can get in touch, share your examples of change and ideas for collaboration at

Team Future Generations Cymru

our values

What we value most

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We are Bold

We are independent; we use evidence to explore and champion novel and innovative approaches to address the complex issues we face.

We consistently review our work and impact, stretching ourselves to do more and to do better.

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We are Open

We cultivate a culture of honesty, speaking our minds and encouraging challenge

We work in the open, showing our progress, sharing our learning as well as our mistakes

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We are Supportive

We act with kindness, acceptance and a genuine interest in each other and those we work with. We respect people’s needs and choices, learn what makes us tick and we believe in each other’s potential.

We are ready to help. We give our time and expertise to make change happen.

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We are Optimistic

We champion that there is always hope and potential to create a better tomorrow and support others to be the change we all need to see. We face difficult truths and persevere.

We shine a light on good work and positive action, so that we can all be moved to do better and realise our brighter future.

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We are Inclusive

We involve people from all communities and backgrounds, and we embrace our differences, recognising that we are stronger because of our diverse experience and perspectives. We actively take a stand against discrimination and are striving to be an actively anti-racist organisation

We recognise the importance of connecting and collaborating with people across Wales and go wherever they are, on the journey to achieving the Wales We Want.


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About Future Generations Cymru

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Future Generations Cymru


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