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Prepared by the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, May 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed deep structural inequalities in our economy and society including wage poverty, health inequalities, racial disparities, food poverty, job insecurity and imbalances in quality of housing. At the same time climate and ecological breakdown is escalating, and we risk exacerbating all of these challenges if we go back to the way things were.

Wales’ recovery from the pandemic is an opportunity to enact change and build back better, and the way Welsh Government allocates its budget will send important messages about whether we are taking this opportunity. Welsh Government is publishing a Supplementary Budget this week, which will set out how funding will be allocated to continue to support a range of services during the crisis but will also signal the path to recovery in the longer term by building an economic system that jointly addresses the current health crisis, the economic crisis the pandemic has triggered, and the ongoing climate and nature crises. 

This is a once in a generation opportunity to remedy past failures and we need bold, collaborative, inclusive thinking and political courage and investment that will both address the short term recovery and longer term challenges such as climate change and nature loss, as well as positioning Wales to respond to the news ways of living and working in ways which tackle inequality. Within these parameters and in seeking to meet the broad aspirations within the Well-being of Future Generations Act the Government’s forthcoming Supplementary Budget and any future budgets should invest in the following areas:


  1. Develop an economic stimulus package that leads to job creation and supports the decarbonisation of homes, through building new low carbon affordable housing and investing in a national programme to improve the energy efficiency of existing homes.
  2. Invest in better ways to connect and move people through improving digital connectivity, active travel and public transport.
  3. Invest in skills and training to support the transition to a better future, creating new greener jobs.
  4. Invest in nature and prioritise funding and support for large-scale habitat and wildlife restoration, creation and connectivity throughout Wales –including for natural flood defences, to implement the new national forest, and to ensure land use management and agriculture supports secure local food chains and distribution. 
  5. Invest in the industries and technologies of the future, and support for businesses that will help Wales to lead the low carbon revolution and lock wealth and jobs into local areas with investment in the foundational economy.

Welsh Government should also give urgent consideration to the following as it develops its investment package; 

  • ensure that every citizen has access to broadband infrastructure, 
  • that culture and the arts are supported as key elements in rebuilding town, city and community centres. 
  • targeted incentives are given to businesses to be involved in delivering the new curriculum, to inject entrepreneurial skills into our skills and focus on building the links between business and schools which represent industries of the future.