Public Correspondence
We are keen to empower individuals and communities to use the Well-being of Future Generations Act to question important decisions.
Our remit is very wide as anything that can impact future generations falls within it and is why many people write to us about various topics that interest or concern them including issues with specific planning applications, to concerns about water quality and the impacts of budget cuts on public services.
While our team do not have the power or the capacity to get involved in specific issues, we consider correspondence when we monitor and assess public bodies’ progress embedding the Well-being of Future Generations Act (WFGA) and helps us to detect overarching, systemic issues.
Emails and letters we receive are logged and shared with the relevant colleagues to consider in their work.
The issues raised in correspondence are shared with the team through regular reviews and are considered across our office’s work including:
While we do not have a case-work function, if an issue is considered systemic in line with our criteria, our team determines what actions and steps to take to help resolve the issue.
Some of the ways our team have gotten involved with systemic issues raised in correspondence in the past include:
Working in the open. Our public information, where you can find governance, policies, reports and publications.
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Whether it’s an interview with the Commissioner or a question around our latest work to include in press, get in touch - our Communications Team are happy to help.
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Our frequently asked questions. A quick way to learn about all the areas that the Well-being of Future Generations Act covers.
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