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The Future Generations Framework for Scrutiny has been created to support decision-making in the context of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.

The Well-being of Future Generations Act requires a new way of thinking about how our public services are delivered in Wales. Public Bodies must work in a way that improves the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales.

The framework is a series of prompts that could help anyone who is keen to ask questions about how a decision has been made – a member of the public, the media, a manager, elected officials and board members.

Thank you to everybody who has already helped us to test and form this framework.

We want the Framework to be as useful as possible, and would welcome your feedback especially on the following:

  • How useful is the Framework? Did it help you to understand and apply the Act?
  • Is the content right? Has it covered everything or is anything missing?
  • Is it too long or too technical?
  • Could we make it shorter? If so what could/should we remove?
  • Is the language easy to follow of too complex in parts? Does the language need simplifying?
  • Did it help you to think about your project/initiative differently?
  • Do you use any other tools to support your work on the WFG Act? If so does our Framework complement?
  • How could the Framework fit with and complement existing “project management methodologies” (we are keen to avoid duplication and bureaucracy)?

If you have read or used the Framework, please send your feedback to us via