The Future Generations Framework has been created to support the public sector and others in Wales to deliver projects and infrastructure fit for the future.
The Well-being of Future Generations Act requires a new way of thinking about how our public services are delivered in Wales. Public Bodies must work in a way that improves the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales.
Using this framework will help projects to be developed in an integrated and collaborative way, based on what people need and supporting the well-being of communities today as well as in the long-term. It can be used to plan against the statutory duties under the Act and help embed the spirit of the Act through, for example, a reduction in raw material consumption, waste production, moving us towards a low-carbon, clean energy, resilient and more equal society, providing secure and well-paid jobs, and building well-connected resilient environments for everyone in Wales.
This is the first version of the framework and we will continue to develop and create updated versions based on feedback from users.
We want the Framework to be as useful as possible, and would welcome your feedback especially on the following:
If you have read or used the Framework, please send your feedback to us via