Climate change is the greatest threat facing future generations.
On 29 April 2019 Welsh Government declared a climate emergency, shortly after publishing their plan “Low Carbon Wales” which contains 100 policies and proposal but not detail on how these will be funded. Earlier this month the Minister announced the Government’s ambition to bring forward a target for Wales to achieve net zero emissions no later than 2050 and whilst this is welcome Welsh Government’s budget needs to support this ambition.
Responding to the climate emergency will require a much greater level of focused attention and investment; eight European countries have recently called for 25% of the EU’s budget should support action on climate change – should this be the same for Wales?
In this 10 point plan to fund Wales’ climate emergency, I have identified ten areas for investment where action needs to be prioritised and scaled up to meet the “climate emergency” challenge. The £991 million investment allocation which is required in the next Welsh Government’s budget (2020-21) to fund sustainable transport, invest in low carbon homes and buildings, renewable energy and nature-based solutions, is in line with the UK Committee on Climate Change estimated £30 billion between now and 2050.
This White paper has been informed by a range of experts and is a starting point for discussions – with experts, public bodies, individuals and importantly the Government to set out what sort of investment they think is required to ensure we achieve our statutory targets.
We would welcome your feedback and comments on this plan – please send these to us