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This report sets out my assessment of progress made in implementing the Act within the first reporting period, i.e. the last three years

It reflects on the progress of all public bodies in terms of whether they have embraced the cultural change required by the Act and also considers the progress being made on each of the seven national wellbeing goals. As this is a once in five year report and has to cover all policy areas covered by the wellbeing goals, the report is lengthy and has a significant number of findings and over 100 recommendations covering both policy and process directed at Government and other bodies covered by the Act 

In preparing this report I have involved over 5000 people from conversations in supermarkets, on line surveys using Sensemaker, roundtable meetings across Wales and with specific sectors and detailed work with innovators public private and third sector partners and academics.  

The report highlights many innovative approaches and excellent practice across Wales where public bodies, individuals within them, community groups and even organisations not covered by the statutory duties under the Act are embracing its requirements and using it to frame their work. 

Full report


Individual Chapters

See the Future Generations Commissioner’s statement on the publication of the Future Generations Report on our news pages.