A summary document has been created that gives an overview of the work that I have done since taking office as Future Generations Commissioner for Wales.
The summary document is best viewed on the Chrome, Firefox and Safari web browers but can also be viewed as a pdf document. If you are viewing the pdf document don’t forget to go to our YouTube channel to view the testimonials from across Wales.
My work has been guided by the views and experiences of people around Wales, resulting in six policy priority areas that I will focus my attention on:
Creating the right infrastructure for future generations
Equipping people for the future
4. Skills for the future
5. Adverse Childhood Experiences
6. Alternative models for improving health and well-being
During 2017-18, I will continue to involve people who have lived experiences of some of the issues identified through piloting a people’s placement in my team. If you have knowledge, experience or evidence in any of the above six priority areas please get in touch.
To support public bodies in long-term planning and developing services that are fit for future generations, I have created three key programmes of work:
I will continue to build on the work started in my first year by:
I will connect public bodies to each other and to experts and academic institutions, and use the priority areas to work with the people and organisations best placed to drive the changes needed.
We will start to build insight into each of these priorities and develop case-studies around how the Well-being of Future Generations Act can be used as a framework for transformational change for individuals, communities and businesses.
I will draw on the skills and connections of my Advisory Panel, work with the Auditor General Wales and the Wales Audit Office as we ensure audit is used to support better outcomes, sharing learning and innovation with the Good Practice Exchange team.
In April 2017 I reviewed how well my office was also ‘walking the talk’ and embedding the five ways of working into our working practices. Innovative well-being policies are being explored and developed to make a positive contribution to the seven well-being goals within my team.