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As we start the new school year, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of a very special upcoming date in the global calendar, which will provide you with an opportunity to introduce the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals to children and young people and unite them in action with others around the globe.

“Ours can be the first generation to end poverty – and the last generation to address climate change before it is too late”  

Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General, United Nations.  


In 2015, 193 countries signed up to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals that are set to achieve these 3 extraordinary things by 2030: end extreme poverty; fight inequality and injustice; and tackle climate change.  

 September 2017 marks the second anniversary of this important agreement. Between 18th – 25th September 2017, you and your students can take part in the World’s Largest Lesson, along with millions of other students around the globe, to understand the importance of the goals and learn what is being done to tackle poverty, fight injustice and tackle climate change. 

Get Involved  

The World’s Largest Lesson website has an array of information and resources including lesson plans in Welsh and English 

There is an online library; background teaching resources; inspiring stories from around the world; projects to get involved in; creative learning tools; and a downloadable certificate of participation.  I hope that you will get involved and proudly display your certificates in your buildings and of course on digital media.  

Why is this important in Wales?  

As you may know, Wales was the first country to put into legislation the principles behind the Sustainable Development Goals through the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act (2015) I would very much like to see children and young people in Wales being given the opportunity to learn about the challenges that we, and our future generations face. 

Being able to process complex information, to critically challenge and form opinions based on evidence, will help them on their journey to create their tool-kit of skills that they will need to be successful in the future. And following Professor Donaldson’s advice in his report “Successful Futures” the new curriculum framework should see “children and young people develop as ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world“.   I hope you agree that participation in the World’s Largest Lesson provides a fantastic opportunity for this.