Sophie Howe, Future Generations Commissioner for Wales responds to Welsh Parliament Public Accounts Committee report: Delivering for Future Generations: The story so far.
“I welcome this report which echoes my view that implementing the world-leading Well-being of Future Generations Act requires a culture change. Wales is the only country to legislate in this way, using a long-term approach to look at root causes of problems via a law that’s admired globally, protecting current and future generations.
The Act is driving change and it’s important to reflect on the new approaches to governing Wales which have come from it – from a new school curriculum with more emphasis on children’s well-being to a well-being focused economic strategy and an increase in funding on the climate emergency. The Act has also provided a framework for how our public services have responded to the challenges of Covid-19 by collaborating with others – for example, National Museum Wales working in new ways with local health boards and an increase in public services working to keep people healthy as well as treat them when they’re ill and a focus on creating green jobs for the future.
But we need to quicken the pace of change and support the change to happen. Welsh Government showed a progressive approach in passing this law – but has underestimated the scale of focus, support and reform needed to get it delivered in every layer of governance and public service delivery in Wales.
The Government now needs to ensure that the ambitious approach in passing legislation on the floor of the Senedd is matched with ambitious action on implementing it on the ground.”