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“We have recently declared a climate emergency in Wales but are failing to take the action at the scale or pace needed to meet our carbon emission targets. The impact of climate change is already evident in Wales with 23% of our coastline being eroded because of rising sea water as well as the risk of losing 1 in 14 of our wildlife species. Yet it is still our younger generations who are leading the debate and holding governments to account on their lack of action to combat climate change,” said Sophie Howe, Future Generations Commissioner for Wales.

“I support the action taken by young people across Wales and the world to participate in the Global Climate Strike and their dedication to keeping the climate emergency firmly on the top of the global agenda. This is the first youth strike where young people have asked for the support of adults on this intergenerational issue and it is good to see that along with my office trade unions, National Museum Wales and the Children’s Commissioner for Wales and other public bodies’ staff are declaring their support and reconfirming commitments to make the necessary changes.

“Whilst the Welsh Government’s Low Carbon Plan and the First Minister’s decision on the M4 relief road has been welcomed the Commissioner has expressed concern about the level of practical action and investment across Government to tackle climate change. She has written to all Ministers asking them to outline how they are mapping carbon emissions in their departments and will be meeting each member of the Cabinet in the next month to follow this up.

“I recently published a ten point plan with suggestions on how the Welsh Government can make commitments in the next budget (2020-2021) to invest in our transport, homes and buildings, renewable energy and land and increase carbon literacy and my call for the public bodies in Wales to stop investing in fossil fuels. This now needs real commitment from Government and I want to see how this is being demonstrated. I will be monitoring closely how this is reflected in the upcoming budget process.

“We no longer have the luxury of time to tackle this urgent issue so I call on public bodies to explore every opportunity to commit to responding swiftly to climate change starting with mapping their emissions, building to zero carbon standards, investing in public transport and active travel and recognising the importance of protecting and enhancing nature as part of the response to climate change and halting the loss of species”