The Future Generations Commissioner for Wales says the Climate Change Committee’s findings that Welsh Government is not on track to meet its climate emissions targets make ‘urgent’ reading.
The CCC, the UK’s independent advisor on tackling climate change, has today (June 6) published Progress Report – Reducing Emissions in Wales.
The Future Generations Commissioner, Derek Walker, is tasked with providing advice and support to government and public bodies to take a longer-term view on policy decisions, and to protect the needs of people now and those who will be born in the future.
He began his role as the second commissioner on March 1, 2023.
“This is an urgent report calling for Welsh Government to work faster and smarter on the climate emergency – one of the biggest threats to our health, and detrimental to efforts towards a more equal Wales,” he said.
“The message reinforces my call on my first day in the job as Future Generations Commissioner, for transformational change – and reflects the disappointing big picture on decarbonisation, as reported in my office’s research that found Wales lacks a joined-up approach on areas such as spending, and our call for a long-term plan to decarbonise homes.
“The CCC report notes that while some positive steps have been taken in Wales, such as the decision to review all major road projects on environmental grounds, policy action is now needed in all sectors across the economy and action has to accelerate.
“I’ve been meeting with people across Wales who want tangible action to halt climate change and loss of our nature – just this week I heard from voices desperate for devolved community power and for people to be much more involved in solving problems.
“I urge Welsh Government to involve communities, build on the transformative local examples, such as Morriston Hospital’s solar farm, which projects energy savings of up to £1m, to increase our ambition nationally and ensure we have a liveable Wales for now and future generations.”