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Sophie Howe, Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, said:

“We are all devastated by the tragic events unfolding in Ukraine and it’s imperative we do everything we possibly can to help those that have been put in such a perilous and heart-breaking situation. 

“I fully support the Welsh Government’s £4 million package of financial and humanitarian aid to the Ukraine. I urge the UK Government to ensure fleeing Ukrainians see the United Kingdom as a safe haven where they will be welcomed, regardless of whether they already have family here in the UK.  

“I echo the call by Filippo Grandi, the UN’s High Commissioner for Refugees, for access to safety for all, regardless of their legal status, nationality and race as well as access to asylum for those who want to seek asylum. 

“As a Nation of Sanctuary, Wales needs to ensure that refugees arriving here from all over the world find us a welcoming nation and one which helps them practically to rebuild a life here.  

“Wales has an important part to play, as does the whole world, in recognising displaced people as refugees and advocating for them to be offered the same protections. 

“We have a goal to be a Globally-Responsible nation under the Well-being of Future Generations Act, and while asylum policy sits with the UK Government, our nation can demonstrate our commitment to that goal.” 




Some of the many ways to support people in Ukraine: 

Ukraine crisis: donate now to protect children – Unicef UK 

Donate To Ukraine | Save The Children

Ukraine Crisis Appeal | British Red Cross 

UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) 

International Committee of the Red Cross 

Doctors Without Borders 

International Rescue Committee 

Support Black People Fleeing Ukraine – a UK-Ukraine fund to support African and Caribbean students stranded in the country. 

Outright International: The nongovernmental organization addresses human-rights violations against the LGBTIQ community.  


You can also check your local council website for details on how to support the effort/access support. Newport Council and Denbighshire Council are just some of the councils who have shared useful resources, here and here. 


A public vigil will be held at Dunraven Place in Bridgend town centre on Friday 4 March at 6pm.