This specification is open to anyone interested in an opportunity to work with the office of the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales. The overall outcome we are seeking is a shift to long-term holistic approaches across the NHS, this opportunity will be supporting building on the vision set out in Welsh Government’s ‘A Healthier Wales’ to:
1) Identify what the characteristics of a National Wellness System in Wales would be?
2) How could it be funded?
3) How could Welsh Government measure its performance based on the characteristics
We welcome applications from interested individuals or consortia on individual or all elements of the work. Before submitting a proposal, we also advise interested providers to familiarise themselves with:
• The requirements of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act;
• The Act’s associated statutory guidance: Shared Purpose, Shared Future;
• Welsh Government’s Healthier Wales strategy
• The Bevan Commission’s ‘Measuring healthcare outcomes – a complex system’
• Public Health Outcomes Framework for Wales
• Nuffield Health’s ‘A decade of austerity in Wales? The funding pressures facing the NHS in Wales to 2025/26’
Proposals should be sent to ‘FAO Elle Henley-Herat’ by 5pm on Monday 16th September.
If you are shortlisted, you will be invited to present your ideas at a session during the week commencing 23rd September with a view to beginning the work week commencing 7th October.