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As part of our duty to promote the sustainable development principle, the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, Sophie Howe, is seeking an agency to create and deliver a PR campaign to promote the sustainable development principle to a range of new audiences.

The Well-being of Future Generations Act (the ‘Act’) aims to improve the social, cultural, environmental, and economic well-being of Wales. The Act requires the Welsh Government and public bodies in Wales to act in a manner which seeks to ensure that the needs of the present are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

The Act enshrines Wales’ historical commitment to sustainable development and has established seven well-being goals, including ‘a Globally Responsible Wales’ goal. The Act puts in place a ‘sustainable development principle’ which consist of five ways of working that public bodies are required to take into account in the development of their policies and investments: Long-term; Integration; Collaboration; Involvement and Prevention.

The Future Generations Commissioner (FGC) for Wales’ role is to act as a guardian for the interest of future generations in Wales, and to support the public bodies to work towards achieving the well-being goals through the sustainable development principle, protecting tomorrow from the actions of today.

The FGC is seeking delivery of a media campaign that highlights this exciting legislation, specifically to new audiences including an international audience, so that people in Wales and other parts of the world understand the legislation and are encouraged to collaborate with the FGC in Wales and others, to use and or adopt it and help improve all dimensions of well-being of Wales, in Wales and through global action.

The campaign should educate on how the Act works, how it is making a difference across several policy areas in Wales and help audiences to understand how to the Act is leading to improvements in Wales’s social, cultural, environmental and economic well-being, with an aim of encouraging others to adopt a Future Generations Act or the good practice it has led to in specific policy areas.

We want this campaign to build excitement, here in Wales and internationally around what is being done in Wales as a result of the Act and build a compelling case for future generations legislation globally, showing what’s possible.

We welcome applications from interested individuals, organisations or consortia.

Deadline for queries: 26th January 2022

For more information and to apply, please visit Sell2Wales.

If you have any questions on the assignment, please contact Claire Rees, Media Lead,