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In a joint statement the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales and Children’s Commissioner for Wales have given their support to hundreds of Welsh school children going on #schoolstrike4climate to highlight the increasing threat of climate change.

Sophie Howe, Future Generations Commissioner for Wales said:

“I fully support the young people who have taken action today to get their voices heard on climate change, which is the greatest challenge that they face in the future.

“In Wales 23% of our coastline is already crumbling away; one of today’s news stories is of a major landslide in Oxwich Bay. Our homes and communities throughout Wales are becoming more vulnerable to coastal flooding and in the long-term we could lose some of our most popular coastal towns and villages.

“I hope that leaders in Wales will take the time to listen to our young people, listen to their concerns and their solutions and show leadership by ensuring more of our energy needs are met by renewables, reducing emissions by making buildings more energy efficient, redefining the use of land, making sure public transport is a viable option for most journey and ensuring we have the necessary infrastructure for electric vehicles for essential car users.

“Under our ground-breaking Well-being of Future Generations Act all policies and services must be planned in a way which thinks about environmental impact now and in the future.  Today is a reminder not only do we have a legal obligation but we have a moral obligation to our future generations.”

Sally Holland, Children’s Commissioner for Wales said:

“The action from some of our young people today is a powerful demonstration of their  frustrations around some decisions that are being taken which will inevitably impact on their lives – decisions which are being taken without meaningful engagement with everyone in society.  I hope leaders will now recognise that children and young people have a right to take part in decisions that affect them and should be listened to as active citizens.”


school strike 4 climate outside National Assembly for Wales
#schoolstrike4climate Wales