Wales’ commitment to future generations has won a global award.
The Well-being of Future Generations Act, the only law of its kind in the world, was awarded a World Future Policy Award on Peace and Future Generations.
The World Future Policy Award celebrates top policy solutions and this year focuses on ‘innovative and impactful peace policies’, acknowledging the ‘desperate need of creative and inclusive policy solutions to resolve conflict, prevent war and foster a culture of peace’.
Fellow finalists, which organisers say are examples of policies shaping a more peaceful and sustainable future, include Rwanda’s Peace Education Programme and Costa Rica’s abolition of the Army and Neutrality Policy.
Wales passed the Well-being of Future Generations Act in 2015, making it law for decision-makers including Welsh Government, healthboards and local councils, to act in the interests of people yet to be born.
It’s created shifts towards a greener transport plan after the Act helped stop a £1.4bn motorway, shaped the new school curriculum for Wales, with a focus on mental health and ethically-informed citizens of Wales and the world and moved the definition of prosperity to one with an emphasis on people and planet.
Derek Walker is the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales and last year published Cymru Can, his seven-year strategy for challenging public bodies for more action to restore nature, to achieve net zero, to reduce health inequity and to nurture our culture and Welsh language.
Wales is the only country in the UK to have a Peace Academy, Academi Heddwch Cymru, and Mr Walker said he support their calls for Wales to be a Nation of Peace.
This week, he wrote to First Minister Eluned Morgan to ask what actions the Welsh Government is taking to work with UK Government to prevent the escalation of the suffering in Palestine and Lebanon, and support impacted communities in Wales.
He said: “It’s positive that Wales is being recognised for its commitment to future generations thinking at a time when acting on the Well-being of Future Generations Act has never been more urgent.
“All around us, we’re seeing the consequences of allowing short-term needs to steal futures from children being born today and who will be born tomorrow.
“Climate change will continue to displace people around the world, including those already suffering from war and injustice, and those least responsible for climate change will continue to pay the biggest price.
“Wales’ well-being law demands we continuously take better action than we did before, for Wales and the world.”