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“I welcome the publication of Wales' Net Zero Plan which highlights many of the recommendations I have given to Government but immediate and radical action is now needed."

Sophie Howe, Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, said:

“If we are to achieve the goal of becoming net zero, we need to act collectively and change our behaviours to avoid the catastrophic impact on future generations. Welsh Government should work with public bodies, communities, universities, voluntary sector, businesses, trade unions and cultural organisations to ensure support for translating these proposals into action.

Difficult decisions will need to be made within our public services and beyond to secure a sustainable future. Ahead of COP26, Welsh and UK Governments must work together to advance policy commitments including securing long-term investment to retrofit Wales’ homes and ensuring there is sufficient financial commitment to support our net zero transport and other ambitions.

I welcome Welsh Government’s focus on skills and jobs for a green recovery. It is critical that no one is left behind in securing a just transition. Population groups which are currently under-represented in education and training include women, Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities, and disabled people. Future investment and job support must address these inequalities.”