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To mark International Women’s Day, Sophie Howe, Future Generations Commissioner for Wales has announced a new staff policy that provides support and paid leave to staff who are victims of domestic abuse so that they can leave the abuse and secure safe accommodation.

Sophie Howe, Future Generations Commissioner for Wales says:

“We know that many women stay in abusive relationships due to lack of money and access to secure accommodation for themselves and their children.

“As an employer it is very important to me that my staff are aware that they are not alone in dealing with a serious and frightening situation, and that there is crucial, practical support immediately available, in order to help leave an abusive relationship. This further support is additional to our workplace policy which we have already put in place to safeguard a victim of abuse and ensure that the workplace is a safe space.

“Domestic abuse is everyone’s problem and as an employer we can make a collective effort to fight one of biggest societal problems facing us today.”

Eleri Butler, Chief Executive, Welsh Women’s Aid says:

“We welcome this initiative by the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, because we all have a role to play and it’s everyone’s responsibility to address domestic abuse. Welsh Women’s Aid provides training and guidance for employers in Wales on how they can create a work culture which doesn’t tolerate violence against women.

“We know women experiencing abuse often worry about retaining their job, and by employers sending a clear message that they can offer support in this way will be pivotal for survivors to make choices and access help and support.”

Similar provisions have already been passed in the Philippines, parts of Canada and New Zealand.

If you or a person you know is experiencing domestic abuse you can call Live Fear Free confidential helpline 0808 8010 800 or visit