Can you help the Commissioner review and develop her communications approach to fit with her forward looking agenda?
The Well-being of Future Generations Act is now in its third year of operation.
Our small Team is supporting a ground breaking transformation agenda and helping to create a movement for change in Wales. How we influence and shout out about our work is fundamental to the success of our mission and we need to be the best that we can be. We want an independent perspective of our communications and public affairs work.
Questions on our mind: Are we allocating the right level of resource, deploying them in the right areas, working as smartly as possible to deliver impact for the Commissioner and her Team? How would you structure our Communications and Public Affairs functions?
We love innovation, creativity, and new ways of working, so if you would like to assist with this work please get in touch with by 30 June 2019 for more information about our terms of reference for this review. We would like to complete this piece of work by 1 September 2019.