The Future Generations Commissioner of Wales is seeking proposals from service providers to assist with the delivery of a Theory of Change
The remit of the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales is wide – it encompasses all areas that could impact the economic, environmental, social and cultural well-being of Wales now and for future generations. The resources of the office are, however, limited, and we need to focus our work where we can drive the biggest change across all dimensions of well-being and all seven of the well-being goals as set out in the Well-being of Future Generations Act.
The previous Commissioner, Sophie Howe, undertook an extensive exercise at the start of her term of office, to prioritise her work. This resulted in six policy priorities – Land Use Planning, Transport, Housing, Adverse Childhood Experiences, Better Ways to Keep People Well (health system change), and Skills for the Future.
We are in a different place than we were in 2016. We have more experience and materials to draw on in terms of key issues for future generations; and evidence about where we can we add value, where we should focus our interventions and how we can best drive change.
Building on this knowledge, the new Commissioner, Derek Walker, has embarked upon a similar involvement exercise to set his priorities for his seven-year term. We are calling this Our Future Focus. This exercise will run for around six months, and we have committed to publishing our plans in October. We will also look long-term, to set our work plan within a vision that goes beyond the next seven years. The plan will contain a clear set of performance indicators and success measures and will be transparent about why we have made our choices and what role we will seek to play in meeting the outcomes we want to achieve.
The outputs from this exercise will also be closely integrated with and build on our existing and current work, much of which is a statutory requirement and will need to continue in some form. We have established an interim workplan for 2023, 6 months in duration (our ‘Route Map’) and the outputs from Our Future Focus will need to establish which parts of this work will continue, which parts will need to stop or change in focus, and what will be new work. Examples of current work that we are committed to carrying out are our ongoing support for public bodies, monitoring and assessing progress against the Well-being of Future Generations Act, delivering the third cohort of our Future Leaders Academy, and our international work.
The Requirement
We require an external organisation to work with our team to support the latter stages of the Our Future Focus where we are analysing the data (primary and secondary) and developing a strategy (using theory of change methodology) for our work going forward (2023-2030).
This commissioned work will give clarity on which issues, behaviours and policy areas we could most usefully focus on (the ‘what’) as well as how we will work with others (public bodies and other stakeholders), to facilitate change (the ’how’). For example, what type of interventions would work best and where is our added value on a particular issue. We also want to always challenge ourselves to walk the talk and be exemplar in applying the Act ourselves to our behaviours and actions.
Most of our stakeholder involvement and desk-based analysis will be complete by the end of July, and we’d require the successful provider to be available from August through into early September to undertake the main task of developing the most impactful actions our office can take within a Theory of Change model and within the scope of our duties and powers.
However, we would like to begin working with the provider during July (or possibly earlier in June), to ensure that the way that we are analysing our data will provide the outputs needed to develop the Theory of Change and we can provide some information/ training on the Commissioner’s Powers and Duties. There may also be some benefit in holding an early workshop with staff (20th July team meeting) to explore the theory of change model and gather thoughts and ideas from the team that may feed into the process.
A further two-day team away day is planned for 12-13 September at which we’d welcome the provider attending to present the initial recommendations of their work and to facilitate a workshop with staff to contribute to and refine the finished product.
With a final product ready for 29th September.
Key dates:
Sell to Wales go live | Tuesday, 6th June |
Application closing | Tuesday, 20th June |
Appointment of successful applicant | Tuesday, 27th June |
Start of contract | Monday, 3rd July |
A session with our Senior Leadership Team | Tuesday, 18th July |
End of contract | Friday, 23rd September |
Further information about Our Future Focus
As part of Our Future Focus, we have already analysed a wide range of secondary data to understand future trends and challenges facing future generations and will be continuing to evaluate secondary data shared with us by our stakeholders (May – June), in addition to other data sources including, for example, information resulting from public services boards’ well-being assessments.
We have carried out a series of foresight exercises with staff and with external stakeholders and are gathering primary data via a variety of methods including an online survey, and a broad range of meetings and events with stakeholders.
We will be analysing this information as a team over the next few months and aim to extrapolate some high level themes and hypotheses as to what future generations need public bodies and others to do; considering current barriers, what are the actions and steps public bodies and others need to take to get there; and where our office can best support public bodies and others in this endeavour. Below are some examples of the things we have been hearing through involvement, although it must be noted that this is from initial (and not completed) discussion.1
What future generations need public bodies (and others) to do to improve well-being:
The changes needed to get us there might include:
Actions our office might need to take to support public bodies might include:
We are looking for proposals of up to £20,000 (including VAT).
We might need to extend the scope of this tender following discussion and agreement with the successful applicant if a need is identified during the execution of the project and is considered necessary to completion Our Future Focus project.
Your proposal
Your proposal should include:
Your proposal should set out your:
Our scoring will be done based on three main elements. Each of these will comprise one third of the total score. The three elements are:
Future Generations Commissioner for Wales Sustainability Table:
Topic | Answer | Information/Evidence |
Do you follow ethical employment and sustainable practices in your operation and in your supply chains? | ||
Do you hold sustainable organisational certifications? | ||
Is your organisation a zero-carbon organisation and how are you limiting your emissions in your travel, energy, pensions and procurement? | ||
Is your organisation paper free and zero wate? | ||
Are your products or materials sourced locally and sustainably, reused or recycled? | ||
Are your materials recognised conflict-free by independent certification schemes such as and Greenpeace Guide to Electronics? | ||
Do you ensure that your organisation follows fair and ethical practices including anti-slavery and human traffic practices, fair trade, marine stewardship and forestry stewardship, B-Corp or Green Dragon accreditation? | ||
Is your organisation taking any action to reduce poverty? | ||
Are you a Living Wage Employer? | ||
What steps have you taken, or are you going to take to ensure you offer fair work? Fair work is defined as ‘where workers “are fairly rewarded, heard and represented, secure and able to progress in a healthy, inclusive environment where rights are respected.” | ||
Do you support and undertake fair and local procurement? | ||
Do you promote inclusive growth? | ||
Is your organisation or directors related to any political parties, or any other interests which should be disclosed as causing a potential (perceived or real) negative reputational or bias risk to the Commissioner? |
Further information
If you would like to ask questions or discuss this tender, please get in touch with Petranka Malcheva at
Before submitting a proposal, you may wish to familiarise yourself with: