When MAGOR was launched on 14th March 2013, the group realised from the outset the enormity of the tasks facing them. The first challenge was to get the walkway concept and business plans agreed and funded by governments and the rail industry.
The second enormous challenge would be to get people out of the car and walk/cycle/public transport to their station. After all we are trying to take the community ‘Back to the Future’ At the time we thought and still do, the challenge of getting three generations who have been brought up to rely on the car, back on to public transport would be immense. The French refer to the British love of the car as- cul-de-sac mentality. If we could have a glass wall in our lounge to show off our pride and joy in the garage, we would. Therefore, to take the people of our community back to pre-1940s and walk, cycle, bus, taxi to the railway station is going to be a major challenge.
However, for the sake of our children and those yet unborn, the revolutionary concept that is Magor & Undy Walkway Station, has to be delivered and be a template for other future stations under consideration if we are serious about reducing emissions from transport. Magor & Undy Walkway Station, along with the park and ride station at Severn Tunnel Junction and linked with bus services, would form an ‘holistic’ transport solution for Severnside. Magor & Undy Walkway will have the potential to reduce between Magor with Undy and Severn Tunnel Junction, which has three schools along the route, by up to:
Most of our residents will not go from Magor with Undy to Severn Tunnel Junction, to travel westbound to Newport, Cardiff and beyond. As it means going past their homes and having to go back on themselves. Therefore, the vast majority of our residents will take the car. This presents an opportunity for a significant modal shift from car to train. Thus, removing a significant number of cars entering the already overcrowded cities of Newport and Cardiff. Again, the benefit of the reduction of carbon for other communities will also be felt far away from Magor with Undy.
The futuristic, revolutionary and pioneering concept that is Magor & Undy Walkway Station, has to opened. Otherwise the benefits for this and future generations of our community will be lost. Therefore, back to the future for us and our planet, there is no Plan(et) B. Let history judge us for what we did for future generations and the planet, rather than what we did not do.