Cymru Can
Implementation and Impact
Ensuring the well-being of future generations is our priority mission, and crucial to Cymru Can.
Despite increasing good practice across Wales, we are not making good on our commitment to the well-being of future generations at the pace and scale the challenge requires.
We have to close the gap between aspiration and delivery and this underpins everything we do, so we build on what’s come before, go further, and ensure public bodies are fully supported to use the Act to create change.
We will make it our mission to ensure the Well-being of Future Generations Act is applied effectively and with ambition in a way that improves the lives of the people of Wales now and in the future.
The Well-being of Future Generations Act is not being implemented at the pace and scale needed.
The sustainable development principle and five ways of working are not consistently applied; and there is variation in the quality of well-being objectives set by public bodies and Public Services Boards.
Ysgol Bro Banw’s school garden reducing food waste.
Public bodies and Public Services Boards are maximising their contribution to the goals through their well-being objectives.
Public bodies have a greater understanding and confidence in delivering long-term approaches and the WFG Act.
Public bodies and Public Services Boards are aware of what good looks like in applying the WFG Act effectively and with ambition.
More people, of all ages, are advocating for long-term approaches and for the interests of future generations.
The outcomes for people in Wales have improved as measured by the 50 national well-being indicators and milestones.
Wales is a resilient, low carbon society with fair work; more equal, healthier, and globally responsible; with cohesive communities, a thriving culture and vibrant Welsh language
A society with good cultural well-being is one where people benefit from culture, heritage and the Welsh language and can participate in the arts, sports, and leisure.