Ahead of the sixth Senedd term, many of the Senedd Committees are consulting and gathering views on the priority issues they should consider when planning their future work.
To ensure Committees are considering the Well-being of Future Generations Act and the long-term impact of their decisions, I have written a response to each consultation with my views.
Drawing on findings and recommendations from my Future Generations 2020 Report, I have laid out themes for each Committee to consider when planning their work.
Several of my recommendations and commentaries are relevant to numerous Senedd Committees and I have advised that efforts should be made across Committees to integrate respective areas of work. Better integration of policy areas will ensure collective scrutiny, the ability to identify implementation gaps and offer solutions across the Senedd’s work.
Please find my response to each Committee consultation below.
All responses will be available from the 21st September 2021.
Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations Committee
Equality and Social Justice Committee