I am pleased to endorse the peace and goodwill message 2018 from the young people of Wales.
As the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, I’m enthused by the passion of this year’s Peace and Goodwill Message as it echoes our challenges in creating a more equal Wales for all, regardless of our abilities, age, gender, race or background. Everyone of us have the right and duty to contribute to creating a better Wales. My job is to be the guardian of future generations. This means helping public bodies and those who make policy in Wales to think about the long-term impact of their decisions.
This year’s message challenges public bodies and others to work together to prevent problems occurring, recognising that no single public body can respond to some of the big challenges that need to be addressed. In particular, they need to be listening to young people, involving young people, and understanding the lives that young people lead.
The Well-being of Future Generations Act gives us the ambition, permission and legal obligation to improve our social, cultural, environmental and economic well-being. We can’t achieve this without having active and ongoing conversations with younger generations.
I will shortly be announcing details of our “What if…” Young Leaders Summit, which will bring together young leaders from across Wales to challenge each other on how we can create a happier and healthier Wales. My office commits itself to involving young people and will not use them simply as a tick-in-the-box exercise.
As Chair of the Network of Institution for Future Generations, I will actively share this Message with members from across the World, in the hope that your Message will transcend national and cultural barriers. Your message of hope and gratitude will resonate with young people from all walks of life.
I accept your challenge and look forward to working with Urdd Gobaith Cymru and others to ensuring your voices are heard and acted upon.