Tomorrow, at 8.30pm people from more than 178 countries across the world will be sending out a clear message about climate action – by turning their lights off.
Now in its tenth year, Earth Hour is a symbolic show of global support for protecting our planet, bringing friends, family and communities together. And it’s needed now more than ever.
Earlier this week, Director of the World Meteorological Organisation David Carlson stressed that recent record-breaking temperatures amongst other remarkable changes across the planet meant “we are now in truly unchartered territory.”
As the effects of climate change begin to be felt across the world and here in Wales, events like Earth Hour provide the opportunity for us to stand together.
Sometimes, the reality of climate change seems so vast and unthinkable, that it’s easy to shy away and think that we cannot make a difference by our actions alone.
Many iconic organisations and landmarks across Wales, such as the Wales Millennium Centre will be joining in too. An illustration of just how serious we are here in Wales about climate action and making changes for our future.
As for me, like last year, I will be marking the event by enjoying a candlelit dinner – not the romantic kind but with my own five future generations – so it’s likely to be dark and noisy. But whilst the lights are out, whether it’s quiet or not it gives us a chance to reflect upon the kind of future we want to leave behind. One I hope, that is metaphorically speaking a bright one!
Of course, whilst our actions may be small, the real test is whether those able to make changes – our Governments, businesses and policy-makers, are willing to listen and act.
By joining in with Earth Hour, we are working towards a brighter future, by turning our lights out today.