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Huw Vaughan-Thomas, Auditor General for Wales and Sophie Howe, Future Generations Commissioner for Wales have today published a Memorandum of Understanding, which sets out how they will cooperate on their related responsibilities under the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.

The document sets out their statutory roles and responsibilities, the principles that guide their work and how they both intend to work together to maximise their effectiveness and make best use of their collective resources and expertise.

The Auditor General and Future Generations Commissioner for Wales are now developing a coordinated work programme to deliver the intentions set out in today’s document.

There are four specific areas under the Act where the Auditor General and Future Generations Commissioner have a shared interest of responsibility. These are:

  • Monitoring and assessment
  • Examinations and reviews;
  • National reports;
  • Advice; and
  • Good practice

Auditor General for Wales, Huw Vaughan-Thomas said today:

“Having a document which sets out how we intend to work together provides useful clarity for our organisations and for the public bodies covered by the Well-being of Future Generations Act. The Future Generations Commissioner and I have been working closely together since the Act came into force. We are absolutely committed to continuing to do that, so that we can use our respective resources and expertise to best effect.”

Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, Sophie Howe also said today:

“By cooperating and coordinating our efforts, I and the Auditor General for Wales hope to contribute to a public service environment where sustainable decision-making provides good quality services for today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Our Memorandum of Understanding demonstrates how we intend to achieve that.”