Sophie Howe, Future Generations Commissioner for Wales has welcomed the new Planning Policy Wales, which she along with her team worked with the Welsh Government to ensure that the policy embodies the Well-being of Future Generations Act and contributes to each of the seven well-being goals.
The policy drafting process it went through demonstrates how the use of Act and the five ways of working enables policy makers to best design and strengthen planning policy.
The new policy requires planning authorities to have people’s well-being at the front of their minds as they plan for housing, transport and infrastructure in their area in a sustainable way. It also establishes hierarchies of priorities to be taken into account with the most polluting and most damaging sources of energy or transport modes rightly at the bottom of it.
Sophie Howe, Future Generations Commissioner for Wales said:
“Having a planning system designed around people’s lives and well-being and not just drawing on a map or for builders’ convenience will now transform how we will shape and use our buildings and communities for now and for future generations.
“Working closely with the Welsh Government we encouraged them to push the boundaries and advised on removing any potential barriers and contradictions in implementing the Well-being of Future Generations Act within the planning system in Wales.
‘This new policy will help us reduce carbon emissions to reach the targets set out by the Welsh Government this week. It will also support and give priority to renewable energy developments such as solar and wind power and place further support restrictions on the extraction and use of fossil fuels, including fracking.
“The policy also aligns with the Active Travel Act, creating services that promotes a healthier lifestyle by encouraging us all to use public transport, walking or cycling and ditch our dependency on cars.
‘I will expect to see all planning decisions from hereon demonstrate how they are contributing to the seven well-being goals and using the five ways of working when planning for housing, transport and infrastructure in their communities.”
Planning Policy Wales: Edition 10