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The ‘Art of the Possible’ is one of the Commissioner’s main programmes of work. It is a partnership approach to shining a light on great work that is improving well-being in communities across Wales.

More information on the programme is  here.

In November we published a set of  simple changes  that public bodies can make at the start of their journey to meeting the well-being goals – they can be seen  here.

We are working with public bodies to understand how these changes are being implemented and what impact they are having.

In addition to the simple changes, over the past year our team have been developing  journey checkers  which set out the steps public bodies should take on their journey from simple changes to transformational change, for each of the seven well-being goals and for involvement.

Each journey checker contains several topics that are relevant to that goal, many of which also links to other goals. Under each topic ‘steps’ toward change are set out: these are the actions that public bodies and other organisations should be taking on their journey to meeting the well-being goals. Our Journey Checkers include steps that may already be covered by legislative requirements. We have included these to highlight their importance in delivering the aspirations of the Well-being of Future Generations Act.

Our  approach to developing these journey checkers has been  collaborative and involving, with each goal convener working with a network of stakeholders to develop and test content for each journey checker.

We are now testing the set of eight draft journey checkers for a three-week period (28th  January to 15th  February 2019) although the conversation will continue after this as the journey checkers continue to evolve.


A Prosperous Wales

A Resilient Wales

A Healthier Wales

A More Equal Wales

A Wales of Cohesive Communities

A Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language

A Globally Responsible Wales




How can you feed in your views?  

  1. Fill in our short survey – Please make sure you have looked through some of the journey checkers before starting the survey.
  2. Share your views on Twitter as part of our Twitter chats 11th-15th February. 
  3. Each convener is  taking their own approach to  working with  stakeholders,  including:
  • Using  Loomio  to discuss content of the journey checkers;
  • Holding interactive events to discuss content of the journey checkers.

If you are interested in getting involved,  please email