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The Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, Sophie Howe, will join Prince William, Pope Francis, Al Gore, and over 50 notable speakers at the first ever free TED conference this Saturday.

Countdown, a global initiative to champion and accelerate solutions to the climate crisis, will launch during the event, which will be open to the public and entirely dedicated to a conversation about the climate emergency. 

Sophie, whose job is to be the ‘guardian’ of the interests of future generations, as part of Wales’ pioneering Well-being of Future Generations Act, will be talking about Wales’ role in thinking differently about climate action.

She was invited to record her own TED talk for this global event and as part of the session on ‘Action’, hosted by actors Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Chris Hemsworth, she gives an overview of what policymakers should do to safeguard future generations. 

Exploring how to think urgently and long-term about climate change, the event looks at what we as individuals, communities and organisations can do to shape a better future.

The commissioner’s talk, which will be screened live from 8.50pm (UK time), looks at how the pioneering act has made changes to policy in Wales, via its seven wellbeing goals and five ways of working, and gives practical examples of how we can all make a change.

The commissioner, a mum-of-five, discusses how Wales is the only country in the world to legislate to protect the interests of future generations, and navigating the role when much of the future is unknown.

The act, made law in 2015, means Welsh Government and public bodies must work to make Wales healthier, more resilient, equal, cohesive, prosperous, globally responsive and with a vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language, via ways of working including thinking long-term, prevention and collaboration.

The TED event brings together scientists, activists, entrepreneurs, urban planners, farmers, CEOs, investors, artists and government officials.

Other participants include Chris Hemsworth, Jaden Smith, Yemi Alade, Don Cheadle, and Mark Ruffalo. See the full roster here. 

Chris Anderson, the Countdown founding partner and Head of TED, said: “Climate is a top priority for TED and members of our community, and we are proud to fully dedicate our organization in the fight for our collective future.”

Talks were pre-recorded due to the pandemic. The virtual conference will be streamed live 4:00 pm – 10:00 pm BST on October 10.

You can watch at

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