Future Generations Commissioner for Wales is seeking to tender a short-term contract to support the team to package up and communicate examples of our personal journey to ‘walk the talk’ of the Act and be the change that we want to see in others.
Alongside our work with public bodies and others to drive progress in meeting the well-being goals, we are determined that the Office of the Future Generations Commissioner also leads by example. Our team is increasingly embedding the behaviours we promote to others in our day to day working. With this in mind, we have been developing employment policies that steer our working practices rather than script rules for every eventuality. These policies, which build on the guidance that I published in a project called Art of the Possible, suit a workplace culture that promotes and values work that contributes to strategic impact.
With this spirit in mind, we are looking to package up some of the stories from our personal expedition over the past few years.
Read the full work specification here.
Bidder’s questions will be answered via email or phone call. Queries should be directed through to contactus@futuregenerations.wales, and picked up by a team member.
Tender deadline: Thursday 24th February 2022, submissions to be made via by contactus@futuregenerations.wales by 17:00 latest.