Derek Walker wants Welsh Government to strengthen its coal policy, and put a definitive end to extracting coal, in line with the Well-being of Future Generations Act.
Wales has committed to moving away from coal and gas, yet WG policy currently states that coal licences can still be granted in ‘wholly exceptional circumstances’.
The commissioner, whose duties includes challenging public bodies including Welsh Government in his role as a guardian for future generations, wants the clause removed, to put an effective ban on any new licences or extensions to coal mines in Wales.
With a live application in Carmarthenshire and one expected in Caerphilly imminently, Mr Walker says Welsh Government should eradicate any loophole that allows more mining to go ahead.
Mr Walker said:
“I’m absolutely against any new permissions, coal licenses and against the extension of existing coal licenses. Coal is part of our past. It’s not part of our future.
“The flooding scenes and loss of lives in Valencia could happen in Wales where we already see flooding from Pontypridd to Llanrwst, if we don’t wake up and stop doing things that risk our survival as humanity.
“This week, during Wales Climate Week and as the eyes of the world are on COP, I met with the Wampís Nation leaders from Northern Peru in during their visit to Wales, and they called on global governments to support their protection of the Amazon and commit to a fossil fuel and deforestation-free Wales.
“A globally-responsible Wales is not a Wales with a coal mining industry.
“We need a decarbonised energy system which provides people with benefits in their communities, like clean air and industries and jobs of the future.”