Future Generations Act 2015
A Prosperous Wales
‘A Journey to a Prosperous Wales’
While the term ‘prosperous’ is referenced frequently in public body and Public Services Boards’ well-being objectives, its use broadly relates to education, employment, poverty or Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This means they miss some topics highlighted in ‘A Journey to a Prosperous Wales’, which are derived from the full definition of the well-being goal. This includes: decent work, a low carbon society, fair and local procurement, local economies, skills for the future and using resources efficiently (circular economy).
The Commissioner has previously recommended that as city deals and other economic development programmes across Wales move forward, Welsh Government and the local authorities involved must themselves demonstrate how they are applying the Well-being of Future Generations Act. In particular, in reflecting the statutory definition of A Prosperous Wales, as well as making the case to the UK Government for this more progressive framework to be adopted.
A journey to:
Using procurement to promote inclusive growth.
Driving practices which allows people to take advantage of the wealth generated through securing decent work.
Supporting inclusive local economies and the foundational economy.
Enabling organisations and communities to reduce emissions and use low carbon energy.
Encouraging organisations to develop a skilled population, fit for future technological change.